The Good and Bad of PEX Pipe

Cross-Linked Polyethylene (PEX or XLPE) is a flexible plastic (polymer) tubing pipe primarily used in both hot and cold-water distribution plumbing systems. During the past two decades in the United States, PEX has also become a common alternative to copper, polyvinyl...

When Bad Things Happen to Good Buildings

The presence of various historically-deficient building materials such as polybutylene piping, fire-retardant treated plywood, and aluminum branch wiring is considered a “red flag” by real estate investors, managers, and lenders. The identification of these...

Snooty McSnooterson

One of the mystifying aspects of the Property Condition Assessment industry is the conceit of many licensed “professionals” and how many of them snootily look down their crinkly nose at those in the field that are not licensed engineers or architects. Some of the most...